The Romanian Diplomatic Institute was represented today at the event “European Diplomatic Academy. From idea to reality”, organized by EEAS (European External Action Service) in partnership with the College of Europe, by Liliana Popescu-Bîrlan, Director General, and Sînziana Dumitrescu, expert (DFE).

The event was occasioned by the conclusion of the training program for European diplomats, celebrating, at the same time, the transition from the pilot project stage to the official establishment of the European Diplomatic Academy.

The opening speeches were given by Stefano Sannino – Secretary General of EEAS, Nacho Sanchez Amor – Member of the European Parliament and Federica Mogherini – Director of EUDA (European Diplomatic Academy), Rector of the College of Europe and former High Representative of the EU. The importance of the establishment of EUDA for a more coherent and functional common foreign policy of the European Union was underlined. Its central objective is to create a critical mass of European diplomats who will hold a deeper understanding of the principles,objectives,  values and the EU s overall role.

The event was concluded  by the speech of the Ms. Călin Ungur, Permanent Representative of Romania in the Political and Security Committee of the EU.

Among the European diplomats who graduated from the training course there are also two representatives from Romania, Alexandra Motica and Irina Baciu- to whom IDR wishes congratulations and good luck in the future!

IDR is actively engaged in the process of developing the European Diplomatic Academy aming to amplify the Romanian contributions to diplomatic education in a union spirit.

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